Many Mentally Challenged Children see A.P.S.F.E.W. as a beacon of hope. We provide assistance, opportunities, progress, and enrichment. It has catered to all types of special needs children, as well as children from low-income families. The organisation offers Special Education to mentally retarded Peoples. Children are categorised according to their chronological age, mental age, and functional ability. Pre-Primary to Pre-Vocational programmes are available at the A.P.S.F.E.W. It is one of the Organisation that supports an inclusive educational system by bringing together students with a variety of special needs under one roof.
We provide day care and residential facilities under the supervision of qualified Foster Care Mothers. A team of multidisciplinary instructors also provides behaviour adjustment for the mentally impaired using Clinical Psychology, Behaviour Modification, Early Intervention, and special education strategies.
In Nizamabad, A.P.S.F.E.W. is a Mentally Handicapped School for Boys and Girls. A team of multidisciplinary teachers provides self-help skills training, speech therapy, early intervention, physiotherapy, clinical psychology, yoga therapy, and special education strategies.